The Best Language for Mobile App Development in 2024( Professional Perspective)

In the competitive technological environment, developers must choose a programming language to construct engaging, efficient, and scalable mobile apps. 

But which language is ideal for creating mobile apps? What considerations are necessary? 

To determine this, you must be familiar with both the language’s strengths and the particular requirements of your project. 

So, this comprehensive guide will provide you with valuable information. Therefore, let’s begin.

1. List Of  Best Mobile App Development Languages 

Mobile App development Languages
  • Java
  • Kotin 
  • C++ and C
  • Swift 
  • Objective-C
  • C#
  • Javascript 
  • HTML5
  • Dart
  • Ruby 
  • CSS
  • PHP
  • Reactive Native 
  • Phyton 
  • SQL

However, before you choose the perfect programming language for an app, you need to consider its types. 

2. Types of Mobile Apps

Mobile applications come in three different types. Which include

2.1 The Native App

It is a software programming language that operates a particular system. Several languages allow for native mobile development. For examples 

  • Apple’s iOS platform utilizes Objective-C and Swift.
  • Google’s Android platform relies on Java and C++. 

Native apps offer a better user experience than web apps but need more resources and effort. Most importantly, they can connect to a device’s hardware such as the camera roll, GPS, Bluetooth, contacts, and more

2.2 Hybrid App

Hybrid apps bring together the best of both native and web applications, offering a powerful combination of features. 

Developers can use these apps to create cross-platform apps. These apps offer enhanced security as they operate within a secure container on the device. 

Hybrid apps gained popularity in 2011 as a result of their enhanced stability and rapid development. Their interface resembles a native app, utilizing web technologies such as 

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript. 

However, their processing is dependent on a web server rather than the device itself.

2.3 Progressive Web App

Progressive web applications are a type of web application that offers a seamless and engaging user experience. 

They provide users with a website experience that closely resembles using a mobile application. 

Users have the option to install them as an icon on their smartphone or tablet’s home screen. However, it’s important to note that these apps still operate within a browser window rather than as native software.

Now, after having an understanding of the types let’s have a closer look at the languages for mobile apps. 

 Here is a detailed explanation of languages concerning mobile platforms. 

3.1 Android Apps

Here are the top programming languages that developers prefer while creating Android apps.

a. Java

If you have an interest in Android app development, Java could be a suitable choice for you. 

Note that Android holds a significant 85% of the global market share. This means that learning Java is highly beneficial, as it allows you to develop apps that can reach a vast consumer base.

Remember, mastering Java can be challenging, requiring time and effort to become proficient.

Benefits of using Java 

  • Java’s platform independence is one of its key features that makes it suitable for Android mobile app development.
  • Your code can easily execute on any device or operating system with the use of Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
  • The Java ecosystem has a wide range of libraries, frameworks, and tools. These resources greatly contribute to speeding up the efficiency of application development.
  • Java has a built-in memory management system that automatically handles memory allocation and deallocation. This feature helps prevent memory leaks and crashes in your mobile apps.
  • Lastly, Java’s built-in support for multithreading allows developers to effortlessly create responsive applications.

b. Kotlin

Kotlin is another popular mobile app development programming language . This is likely to be the next significant development in the Android world.

While many developers prefer Java, it is worth noting that Kotlin supports popular IDEs such as

  • IntelliJ IDEA
  • Android Studio

 Advantages of the Kotlin programming language  

  • Concise and straightforward language with up-to-date features.
  • It enables the use of lambdas for functional programming.
  • Type safe-checked exceptions
  • Excellent tooling and strong community backing.

c. C++ and C

C++ is a general-purpose programming language. It supports generic data types, low-level memory deception, and object-oriented programming.

This is a great solution for applications that need rapid performance and efficient data storage. 

On the other hand, C is a programming language that has a wide range of applications.

This programming language is incredibly popular and widely used across the globe. Software developers utilize it for a wide range of applications, such as

  • Operating systems
  • Web servers
  • Compilers
  • Embedded software.

One of the biggest advantages of C is that you can support it on a wide range of platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. 

3.2 IOS Apps

The best mobile app development languages for iOS are

a. Swift

It is the official language of iOS that shares similarities with Python. Here are a few advantages of this language.  

  • Swift has a fantastic IDE called X code that is self-contained. Including a library is a seamless process when using workspaces.
  • This language makes it easy to write and comprehend code.
  • It can catch many common errors during the compilation process, which is particularly helpful for beginners.
  • You can use Swift for server-side development.

b. Objective-C 

Objective-C was a famous language for iOS mobile app development before the introduction of Swift.

Most new app designs are running on the Swift code, but some older apps still use Objective-C.

Objective-C is a popular choice among developers as it provides a different way to create applications.

Additionally, it is worth noting that it follows an object-oriented approach. Objective-C is a programming language that builds upon the foundation of C.

There are various platforms that use this language, such as

  • Mac OS X
  • iOS
  • Android
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Other Unix derivatives

3.3 Programming Language for a Hybrid App

For hybrid mobile app development, here is a list of some of the most popular programming languages.  

a. C#

C# is a versatile programming language. Many developers choose this programming language for creating enterprise and web applications. C# has a straightforward and robust syntax, making it a breeze to grasp and utilize.

Moreover, it is compatible with the NET framework platform. And includes the Common Language Runtime (CLR), allowing for seamless integration with other languages within the.NET framework.  

Apart from that, this language also offers a range of additional features, such as 

  • Operator overloading
  • Exception handling
  • Garbage collection
  • Partial classes.

b. JavaScript

JavaScript is a versatile programming language commonly used for the development of web applications.

Programmers can enhance their websites with added functionality, removing the need for extra software downloads. This makes it a great choice for hybrid apps.

Moreover, JavaScript has the advantage of being able to run on both the client and server sides. This allows developers to write code that can run locally and remotely on your devices. 

c. HTML5

HTML5 is a widely used markup language that plays a crucial role in organizing and presenting content on web pages. It is called the “language of the web” since it works with browsers. Programmers frequently utilize it in conjunction with JavaScript.

HTML5 offers numerous benefits compared to Java. One of its great features are

  • Built-in support for audio and video playback
  • Removing the need for additional plugins.
  • Includes geolocation awareness and offline web app functionality.

d. Dart (flutter)

Dart is a programming language that is open-source, scalable, and flexible. This product helps to prioritize speed, security, and user-friendliness. 

Additionally, it offers support for object-oriented features, which makes it an excellent choice for creating customized applications.

3.4 Web Apps

For Android and iOS web app development, here is the list of languages.

a. Ruby

Ruby is a versatile programming language that is famous for its dynamic and reflective nature. It has various purposes and follows an object-oriented approach. 

Ruby Motion enables developers to effortlessly create native applications for both iOS and Android by utilizing its own compiler. 

 Ruby on Rails is a popular framework among developers for building applications for both Android and iOS.

b. CSS

CSS is a powerful tool used to define the visual appearance of elements on a web page. It offers a wide range of functionalities for programmers, including the 

  • Ability to modify colors and fonts
  • Creating captivating animations, and much more.

However, programmers can manipulate the CSS of other elements and generate fresh styles.

c. PHP

PHP is a versatile language that assists in the creation of a wide range of websites and databases.

It can build CMSs, shopping carts, and other e-commerce solutions. 

There are several frameworks in the PHP community, such as Laravel and Symfony, that make app development easier. 

These frameworks organize your project, letting you focus on features rather than technical details.

It is compatible with a variety of operating systems, including 

  • Windows
  • Mac OS X, 
  • Linux/Unix servers
  • Android devices.

d. Python

Python is another famous language used to create a variety of web applications and websites. Additionally, the creation of progressive web apps makes it a top choice among developers.

It is an open-source language, meaning that it is accessible to everyone without any cost.

This app also has many third-party plugins to help you navigate its features. 

e. React Native

If you’re looking to make your apps accessible to both Android and iOS users, React Native is the ideal framework. 

You can create applications that are compatible with multiple platforms. Before starting, you must have a proper understanding of languages and platforms.

Prior to diving into React Native, it is essential to have a solid understanding of JavaScript and React. App developers who have experience with other programming languages will find React Native a valuable addition.

f. SQL

SQL is one of the top languages for app development. It is crucial for storing data efficiently and quickly, which is essential for creating an effective mobile app. 

Many mobile platforms use this language, such as Android, Apple, Google, and Microsoft. 

Creating an app for these platforms may need SQL queries to retrieve data from the database. 

4. How to Choose the Best Programming Language for Mobile App Development

How to Choose the Best Programming Language for Mobile App Development

The programming language you choose can greatly affect the success of your app. Considering your needs as an app developer is crucial when selecting the most suitable language. So, let’s take a look at some important factors to consider.

4.1 Mobile App Category

Understanding the type of mobile app is the initial step in selecting your app development language. So, before you opt for any language, select whether you want to create it for native apps or hybrid apps. 

4.2 Understanding your abilities and boundaries

Understanding your strengths and weaknesses is crucial when selecting the most suitable programming language for app development.

If you’re new to coding apps, it’s a good idea to opt for a language with straightforward syntax and a gentle learning curve.

4.3 Take into account the various platforms and devices.

It is important to consider the specific devices or platforms when selecting a programming language.

For instance,

Python may be suitable if you want your program to work on iOS and Android. Consider Kotlin if your app is only for Android. 

4.5 Understanding the intricacies of the mobile app

Considering the complexity of your application is an important factor influencing your choice. Certain languages are more suitable for straightforward applications. On the other hand, there are other options that are better suited for creating something that is more complex or feature-rich.

4.6 Team Expertise

Team expertise plays a critical role in choosing the right programming language. The more experience the team has in developing the app, the more it attracts the users.

4.7 Cost and budget

Budget matters when choosing a mobile app development language. Many mobile app languages provide free and premium tiers.

So, based on your budget it’s crucial to weigh all options before choosing.

Find out more about How To make social media app in 2024

5.The Quality of a Good Programming Language for App Development

Choosing the most suitable programming language for app development depends on the specific requirements of your project. So, what factors should you consider when choosing a programming language for app development? Let’s look into the various qualities that contribute to a strong app development language. 

5.1 Efficiency

A high-quality programming language will let your software run smoothly without interruptions or problems. This leads to a reduction in errors and an enhanced user experience.

5.2 Support from the community

An app programming language should have a strong and friendly community of coders to help you solve problems.

These community members advocate for changes in language and promptly resolve concerns and user interfaces.

5.3 Open-source software 

It refers to a type of software that allows users to access and modify its source code. This means that anyone can view, use, and even improve the software.

Open source software promotes collaboration and transparency, as it encourages developers to share their work with others. 

Developers have the freedom to customize their apps without incurring any additional costs.

5.4 Clear and Comprehensive Documentation

At times, despite extensive searching through forums and tutorials, finding an answer can be challenging. When developing an app, it is crucial to choose a language with comprehensive documentation. 

This ensures that you can effortlessly navigate through various tasks and troubleshoot any problems encountered.

Final Crux 

In a net shell, each programming language has its own pros and cons. However, choosing the right one entirely depends on you. But if you are unsure how to choose the right language and do not want to create your mobile app by yourself. Then nothing to worry. 

 Because OnyxTec offers the finest option—creating user-friendly mobile apps in the best language. 

 So, don’t fall into the trap of others who compel you to choose them, however, they lack expertise. 

At Onyx Technologies, client trust is the utmost priority, whether you are a large enterprise or a small business. Feel free to contact us for your mobile app development. 


Is Python suitable for creating the Android app? 

Yes, it is absolutely feasible to develop an Android application using Python. One option is to use a framework called Kivy. To begin, you need to install Kivy and its dependencies on your computer. Next, you can develop your app by utilizing Python and the Kivy library.

Is Flutter beneficial for the apps? 

Flutter is good for the apps because it builds fine-quality and high-performance apps both for iOS and Android devices. 

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