How Much Does It Cost to Develop an App in 2024? (An Informative Guide)

Mobile apps have become a cornerstone of technology and business in today’s technological era.

But a pressing question often arises: What does developing a mobile app for your business or start-up cost in 2024?

The investment required for app development varies based on the app’s complexity and design, typically between $10,000 and $200,000.

However, there are a lot of factors that contribute to the cost of building an app. 

So, let’s step into the aspects that influence app development expenses.

Cost to Develop an App

Factors Influencing The Cost To Develop an App

how much dose it Cost to Develop an App

Numerous factors influence the cost of mobile application development. Such as   

  • App Complexity
  • Type of App
  • Design and User Experience
  • Platform Choice

1. App Complexity

The complexity of an app significantly impacts the cost to develop an app. A complex app with advanced technology like AI, AR, or VR is more expensive than a basic one. 

Here is an estimated market hour rate breakdown based on the complexity of the mobile app.

App Development process Cost Time of development App features 
Simple App development $5000 to $40,0001- 3 months Simple Navigation
Limited data processing
 Basic user interface
 One platform  
Moderately complex App development $50,000 to $80,0003-6 months Multi-user support 
Contain advanced search capability
 Integration of social media
Complex App development $ 70,000 to $1,50,0006 to 9+ monthsIntegration of machine learning 
Use of AR, VR or artificial language 
Complex processing of data
2+ platforms
Contain  advance features 

Remember, To create a budget for app development, consider the complexity of the application. Because 

Time/ Complexity of app development * Hour rate = cost of mobile development process 

This assessment clarifies project needs and budget. 

For determine proper cost to develop an app , get help from App developers experts who effectively evaluate the complex of your projects. These professionals are 

  • Software developers: Who examine application architecture complexity and technological obstacles. 
  • UI/UX designers: The expert who considers the application’s user interface and experience complexity. 
  • Business analysts: Who analyze complexity based on market needs and consumer expectations. Project start-ups require business analysts to understand business goals and engage with consumers and stakeholders. 

2. Type of an App

Another factor contributing to the cost of app development is the type you are aiming for. Such as 

a) Native apps (iOS, Android)

Native apps are those apps that use particular programming languages to function on specific devices.

The cost of a native app lies within the range of $40,000 to $300.000 based on the app’s complexity and design. 

b) Web apps

Technically, web applications are not mobile applications. These are, instead, user-friendly websites with responsive design. These apps are an excellent choice for enterprises with little resources.

Most importantly, web app development ranges from $15,000 to $100,000. but for complex web apps, costs range from $110,000 to $500,000.

c) Cross-platform apps

The trend of cross-platform development is expanding. It enables developers to create apps for both iOS and Android devices using a single code base. 

It is the least time-consuming process, however, costs around $90,000 and $700,000.

Below is a more detailed cost breakdown based on the application type. 

Type of the AppEstimated Cost 
iPhone app$55,000 to $300,000
Android app$60,000 to $300,000
Web app$60,000 to $300,000
Uber app$50,000 to $400,000
Game app $60,000 to $250,000
Augmented Reality integrated app $100,000 to $250,000
Ecommerce app$60,000 to $250,000
Social media app$50,000 to $300,000
Business app $50,000 to $200,000
Institutional app $60,000 to $225,000
Video Streaming app$80,000 to $300,000
Shopify app$30,000 to $180,000

3. Design and User Experience

Design and the user experience also have a significant impact on app development cost. Here is each aspect that affects it:

i) UI/UX design considerations

There are numerous intricacies to application design. However, it all starts with the user interface or how the application will seem to the viewer.

As, User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) are critical for the success of any mobile app. 

Therefore, designing an application begins with creating mockups, which provide a visual representation of the solution.

Moreover, you can estimate the cost based on the use of various visual components. In reality, it has an impact on the Cost of MVP design.

Note that the cost of releasing a mobile app will vary depending upon complexity of the design.

ii) Branding and custom graphics

Customizing the app’s design with brand aspects like logos, color schemes, and typography can be expensive.

Moreover, maintaining brand and design consistency across iOS, Android, and web platforms might cost more. Because, each platform may require different designs or adaptations while preserving brand coherence.

Here is an Approximate market Cost of App Design 

Work TypeCost
UX design$5,000+
UI design $10,000 to $25,000
Branding $2500 to $10,000

4. Platform Choice

Another factor that influences the cost to develop an app is the choice of your platform. 

a) Single-platform vs. multi-platform

The cost of developing the app for a single Mobile platform such as Android or iOS is less because there is a focus on 

  • Only a single set of tools and language 
  • Streamline designing and testing process.

In comparison, if we opt to create an app for multiple platforms, then it may cost more. 

Because there is a need for 

  • Additional tools, such as Flutter or react native, which can be extensive. 
  • High interaction across different systems and devices. 

b) Platform-specific costs

Each platform has specific tools, language ,and environment that add to the overall app development cost. Here are the three different platforms of the app.

  • IOS App
  • Android app 
  • Hybrid app 

i) IOS apps

An iOS application is a mobile software designed primarily for the iPhone operating system. 

It requires an expert with a strong command of XCode, Objective-C, and Swift language skills. 

Based on a solid command, developers design quick, responsive, and user-friendly designs to provide an excellent user experience. 

But remember, the cost to create an iOS app can vary from $75,000 to $500,000, depending upon the design.

ii) Android app 

Android apps are the Google Play Store apps that contain specific tools and languages, such as

  • Kotlin 
  • Java

Android developers create user-friendly apps with high expertise. The best thing is that Android’s flexibility makes the Google Play Store app release faster than IOS. 

However, the Android app development cost lies within the range of $70,000 and $500,000.

iii) Hybrid App 

Cross-platform or Hybrid mobile apps function flawlessly on iOS and Android mobile operating systems.

Because of cheaper prices Flutter and React Native are the most widely utilized frameworks for creating hybrid applications.

Based on the app platform, here is the estimated app development cost breakdown.

App platformCost
IOS app$75,000 to $500,000
Android app$50,000 to $500,000
Hybrid app$80.000 to $500,000

Regional Variations in Development Costs

The regional variation dramatically influences the cost of development.

For instance, Developers in North America and Europe typically charge more than those in Asia and South America.

Furthermore, there might be notable variations in employment-related taxes and laws among various nations and areas. 

And lastly, collaborating with a development team in a different time zone could affect coordination and communication. 

The following table will give you a rough idea about the cost concerning the developer’s location.

Location Per-Hour Rate 
US$75 to $150
Western Europe$60 to $200
Eastern Europe$20 to $65
South America $30 to $60 
North America $100 to $200 
Latin America $30 to $50 
Australia $100 to $150 
Asia $25 to $50 

Outsourcing vs. local development

Before starting development, consider whether to hire a third party or work internally.

Pros of having an internal staff include

  • Meetings in person
  • Open dialogue
  • Profound engagement
  • Elevated degree of command

 But it has cons as well, which include 

  • Insufficient skill in the nearby market
  • Requirement for substantial upfront costs
  • Addressing issues with hiring and bureaucracy

Working with outsourced teams has several drawbacks as well:

  • Variations in time zones
  • Absence of self-control

Nevertheless, many businesses still choose to outsource the creation of mobile apps since the advantages outweigh the drawbacks. 

  • Access to the global talent pool
  • A high degree of proficiency 
  • Cheaper prices
  • Flexibility
  • There is no requirement for large upfront expenditures

Find out more advantages in a comprehensive Guide Advantages Of Outsourcing A Software Product

Additional Costs and Considerations

Being attentive throughout the website and mobile app development is important because it involves costs and issues beyond production. So, consider

a) Server and Hosting Fees

Keeping your website or app online costs an expense. It depends on the 

  • Size of your project
  • Estimated traffic 
  • Use of resources like bandwidth, storage, and processing power.

b) Third-party Services and Integrations

Most companies rely on the integration of third parties, which includes features like analytics, CRM systems, payment processes, etc. 

Remember adding these services to the development process doubles the costs. 

c) Ongoing Maintenance

To make a mark in the competitive market ongoing maintenance and updates of the app are essential. This includes fixing bugs or adding additional features. 

But remember that adding each new feature or overcoming the error adds to the cost. 

d) Marketing and Promotion

Promotion and marketing campaigns are necessary to get the attention of consumers. This covers all the bases, from building a website and social media accounts to advertising and promoting. 

However, It may increase app development costs if you need a market campaign after the release.

e) Testing and debugging 

Testing is crucial after the app’s development to guarantee its smooth operation.  Addressing any potential problems or issues can lead to an increase in the average app development cost.

f) App Security 

It is important to note that implementing high-level protection comes with additional costs. But it offers real-time protection that can save significant money. 

Team Composition and Outsourcing Implications

When considering the composition of a team for a project, there are two primary approaches:

  • Assembling an in-house team
  • Exploring the option of outsourcing. 

Let’s see which method impacts the app development cost.

i) In-house Team vs. Outsourcing

 Outsourcing In-House Hiring 
Hourly Rate It depends upon Complexity of app Outsource partner locationsEstimated annual salary rate is about $110,000 to $160,540. 
HRM ResponsibilityEvery operation is handled by outsource partner or team It include hiring, building and managing the team Paper work etc.
Pay Only to the outsource individual To the entire team 
Expenses of holidays, annual leaves or sick leaves etc. 0$Approximately  $4800 to $8000
Termination Easy to terminate Must notice period.  

ii) Budget and Timeline 

When considering the impact on budget and timeline, it is important to take into account several key factors:

a) Cost-effective 

Outsourcing can offer a more cost-effective solution, particularly for short-term projects or specialized tasks.

b) Efficient Timeline Management 

With the help of help outsourcing, you can get your project within the time. However, sometimes last minute changes can accelerate project timelines.

How to Choose the Perfect Development Partner?

Here are the tips to consider while choosing your app developer. 

  • Assessing Expertise and Experience Seek out a partner who has demonstrated their expertise and experience in addressing your requirements. Please look at their portfolio, client reviews, and case studies.
  • Evaluating Cultural Fit: Evaluate the interaction between your organization and the potential partner regarding culture. These encompass work ethics, communication styles, and business practices.
  • Proper project management: Ensure the partner has effective communication, project management tools and practices. It will help you to get the desirable outcomes. 
  • Budget: Consider the cost structure and ensure it aligns with your budget. It is vital to clearly understand the contract terms, which encompass the timelines, and confidential agreements.
  • Regular update and maintenance: Regular updates and maintenance of the app are necessary. So, to keep up with the market, look for an organization that provides you with a maintenance option


When making a mobile app, you need to consider several factors. Some of these are looking at the features, style, and platform because they can affect how hard and expensive the project is. 

So, It is important to choose the right source to make your idea come true. However, choosing the right partner requires time and effort. Therefore, for an effortless experience, consider choosing OnyxTec whose cost to develop an app is quite reasonable.

At Onyxtec, we specialize in creating high-quality mobile or web applications containing Advanced features and cutting-edge design. And most important, what sets us apart is that we offer budget-friendly costs no matter what design you aim for.  So, stop wasting your time; feel free to contact us to take your digital presence to the next level. 


What is the time frame for developing the app? 

Like the cost, the time it takes to develop an app depends upon integrating the features. The factors like app testing and deployment contribute to consuming the time. But simple apps usually take two weeks, while medium and complex apps take months. 

How much does it cost to make an app by yourself? 

Usually, creating an app by yourself requires an investment of approximately $25,000. However, the complexity, features, and platform choice influence the cost.

Can a beginner make an app? 

Yes, beginners can develop using an app marker, working with an app developer or hiring an app designer.

Is it possible to develop an app by yourself? 

Using low-code app development platforms, you can design your app without learning the programming language. 

How much does it cost to run an app per year? 

On average, to keep an app optimized, the estimated cost is about $250 to $ 500. But, as per the general guideline, set aside 20% of the cost for regular app maintenance.

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