Outsourcing Web App Development: When and Why

Outsourcing web app development is delegating your website’s creation to a third-party organization or individual with the particular skills and expertise. 

These developers are domain specialists who can complete high-quality work more quickly, and effectively, than an in-house team.

Outsourcing also assists you in avoiding technical obligations and other risks by putting experienced individuals on your team who are comfortable with best practices in the industry. It simplifies building or upgrading an online presence for organizations of all sizes. 

But with outsourcing it is important to understand when and why to opt it. So, without wasting the time, let’s uncover these elements.  

Why Choose Outsourcing for Web App Development?

Why Choose Outsourcing for Web App Development?

The rising demand for web applications development has led to an exponential increase in the outsourcing industry in recent years. For better results on their web development projects, people are opting to work with outsourcing companies, development businesses, and freelancers. As an example,

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Reduced labor expenses

Outsourcing web development can provide numerous cost-saving benefits, including decreased labor expenses. Instead of employing an internal web development team, you may save costs by outsourcing your web development requirements to a third party while ensuring top-notch work and an effective result.


Scalability is another advantage of outsourcing; businesses may raise or lower project budgets by their financial limits. Outsourcing can ultimately result in time and cost savings for any company trying to make the most of its resources.

Lower overhead costs

Outsourcing web development services can reduce overhead expenses without compromising on quality and service. When you have a skilled supplier on staff, you may produce the most effective product for your business by utilizing state-of-the-art resources and knowledge.

Thus, outsourcing web development proves to be a secure and efficient method to save overhead costs without sacrificing high-quality output.

Access to Expertise

Another benefit of outsourcing is access to a worldwide talent pool of programmers. Their knowledge enables you to obtain a top-notch, cutting-edge mobile or web applications.

Therefore, ensure your app developer has experience with specialized technologies rather than hiring a “jack-of-all-trades.” 

Apart from it, outsourcing web development to specialists might be wise for companies seeking experienced, high-quality web development services. Our expertise in web creation enables us to provide our clients with the newest tools and technology to customize a website that meets their specific requirements.

Because of extensive knowledge of programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and others, our committed team of experts can quickly develop unique websites with improved security and dependability. In addition to our expertise in creating incredibly effective websites, we offer personalized maintenance programs that uphold your current designs and guarantee continuous operation over time.

Availability of the newest instruments and technology

You can access the newest tools and technologies since professional teams keep up with recent market trends. They also possess the infrastructure required to run these technologies.

Higher caliber

You can count on better quality when you outsource web development. Teams with professional backgrounds adhere to high standards of quality. Additionally, they have a group of testers who verify that the project satisfies all requirements at different times. 

Enhanced project administration

Outsourcing web development work can significantly enhance project management. Without the time and money required to handle it internally, outsourcing these kinds of projects gives companies access to highly skilled personnel, affordable solutions, and round-the-clock assistance that can offer them the competitive edge they need.

A greater ROI

You may boost your return on investment by outsourcing web development. Teams that are outsourced complete projects on schedule and within budget. Additionally, they offer post-deployment support to guarantee the success of your project.

Risk Control

The team adheres to a proper risk management plan when you outsource web development. They also maintain insurance coverage to shield your project from unforeseen dangers and losses.

Concentrate on your primary business.

You don’t have to be concerned about the project’s technical details when outsourcing. You have more time to focus on your main business aspects when you clear your schedule of such duties.  

Lowering the number of internal distractions

Outsourcing web development is an excellent strategy for minimizing internal distractions and attaining optimal outcomes. You can get a skilled and knowledgeable developer who can finish the required duties precisely, swiftly, and with the least interruption. 

By outsourcing routine day-to-day operations to a third party while maintaining control over the goals of your project, you may free up time to focus on the more vital aspects of running a business.

Apart from it, outsourcing also removes concerns about overseeing internal teams, managing workflow, never-ending interdepartmental discussions, and other needless roadblocks that might obstruct development. 

Your team may produce better products more quickly by taking calculated risks, experimenting freely, and innovating faster when outsourcing web development! 

Time effective 

One of the most important considerations when selecting a development company for your project is time. Through outsourcing, you can assign web development to a different service provider that will finish the project and deliver it on schedule.

When to opt Outsourcing Web App Development

When to opt Outsourcing Web App Development

When deciding whether or not to outsource, you can fall into one of two categories: a startup that has recently entered the industry or a reputable business that competes with major companies.

After working with each category, we discovered that while the objectives differ, the ultimate goal is the same: outsourcing web development services. Now, let’s examine when to outsource.

For Startups

Startups need to go with outsourcing when they 

Absence of Internal Web Experts

Initially, the request from startup owners seemed familiar: “Hey, we have an idea but don’t have the human resources to implement it.” In the end, they searched for an outsourcing partner who could supply them with two to five specialists to handle a specific scope of work related to web development.

Absence of funds and time

The following popular inquiry was, “We need to build a web app quickly and within a budget.” Could you possibly help us?” It’s still the most requested, and we’re glad to investigate. It’s common knowledge that cutting costs is the primary driver of outsourcing.

Thus, outsourcing is likely to result in financial savings. However, the duration is contingent upon the business you select.

Absence of Technical Knowledge

According to the CB Insights survey, lack of suitable staff is a primary reason startups fail. It implies that a company’s success depends on having a diversified team with various skill sets. Therefore, you can outsource IT services if you believe you lack technical skills and require a professional advisor. 

For company 

For the established venture, it is fruitful to opt for outsourcing, especially when they 

Requirement To Grow An Internal Web Team

This one is almost identical to the first one for startups. The distinction is that established companies typically look for a single specialist rather than a team of project managers, developers, designers, and QAs.

Starting a Non-Professional Initiative

Another motivation to outsource web development is to validate concepts and carry out experiments while still running a business. It is advisable to outsource to a web development company that will handle the full process rather than using your in-house staff.

Seeking Guidance

The third reason well-known businesses contact outsource partners is when they need guidance. Because by utilizing their skills and expertise the outsource partner provided a valuable solution that proves to be fruitful for the large business. 

We at Onyxtec take pride in developing products from start to finish. We take noble ideas and transform them into immediately usable, popular items. Our expert team of product managers, designers, and developers works cross-functionally to create unique products that delight our customers and their users.   

Services Offered by Web Development Outsourcing Providers

Here is the list of the following services that outsourcing brings along the way 

  • Web App Development
  • Mobile App Development
  • Custom Software Development
  • Website Design and Development
  • Front-end Development
  • Back-end Development
  • E-commerce Development
  • Content Management Systems (CMS)
  • API Development and Integration
  • Database Design and Management
  • Cloud-Based Solutions
  • User Testing and Feedback

How do you outsource web development for your business?

Outsourcing web development can be an inexpensive and efficient approach to having your website produced by qualified professionals. To successfully outsource web development, adhere to the following steps:

Specify the needs for your project

Before outsourcing web development, it’s crucial to define your project needs precisely, including its scope, target market, and commercial objectives.

Determine possible partners for outsourcing

After defining your project needs, the next step is finding possible outsourcing partners. This can be accomplished by conducting in-depth web research, asking for suggestions from networks and industry associations, or requesting referrals.

Assess possible partners for outsourcing

After identifying possible outsourcing partners, evaluate them based on their experience, knowledge, portfolio of previous work, communication skills, and industry reputation. Seek partners with a track record of doing excellent projects comparable to yours.

Choose a partner for outsourcing

After assessing potential partners, choose an outsourcing partner who can successfully meet your needs and is in line with your project’s requirements. Consider aspects like cultural fit, availability, and experience when making your choice.

Establish the project’s budget and scope

After choosing an outsourcing partner, carefully outline the project’s objectives and financial constraints. This entails providing a clear and transparent project lifecycle by defining the deliverables, milestones, payment terms, and timeline.

Manage the relationship with the outsourcing provider

It’s critical to handle the outsourcing connection well during the project. To quickly address any problems or concerns, it is necessary to establish clear expectations, give frequent feedback, and keep lines of communication open with the outsourcing partner.

Examine and assess the project

After the project is finished, conduct a thorough assessment and evaluation to ensure it meets your business objectives and quality requirements. Evaluate the deliverables in light of the specified project criteria and give the outsourcing partner helpful criticism for future developments.

How Much Does Outsourcing Web Development Cost?

Several variables, such as the project’s complexity, scope, outsourcing partner’s location, and amount of experience needed, affect the price of outsourcing web development. The typical price range for outsourcing web development projects is summarized as follows:

  • Simple Website: The price range for an essential website with a few pages and little functionality is $1,000 to $5,000.
  • Online store: Depending on complexity, developing an e-commerce website with features like payment gateways, inventory management systems, and shopping carts can cost between $5,000 and $20,000.
  • Bespoke Web Application: The cost of developing a bespoke web application with database integration and additional features can range from $10,000 to $50,000, or even more for more complicated projects.

Creating a mobile application in addition to a website may incur additional expenses. The platform (iOS, Android, or both), features, and complexity affect the price. The average cost of developing a mobile app might be anything from $20,000 to $100,000.

It’s crucial to remember that these numbers are estimates that could change dramatically depending on each project’s particular needs. Furthermore, the price may vary based on the location of the outsourcing partner. For instance, outsourcing to Asia or Eastern Europe can be more affordable than outsourcing to Western Europe or North America. 


Outsourcing web development services can benefit your company while allowing you to focus on your primary business goals. It can help you save time and money, enhance product quality, and boost business efficiency. As a result, whenever a business wants to cut development costs while increasing application efficiency, they can outsource web development.

However, if your company is fast expanding and you don’t have the time or resources to maintain your web development staff, it’s a good idea to outsource the work to Onyxtec. We have a vast pool of experienced developers ready to work on your behalf. This could be advantageous to you in the long term.

So, join the hundreds of enterprises that rely on Onyxtec to outsource their development tasks. 


When should I consider outsourcing?

When your company needs to focus on business-critical activities, you should outsource them. Adding people to your team to do tasks outside of your company can be time-consuming, and expensive, not to mention limiting your business growth.

What is outsourcing, and how does it work?

Companies frequently outsource to save costs, increase efficiencies, and accelerate operations. They rely on third-party suppliers’ expertise in performing the outsourced tasks to reap these benefits.

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